
Ruma Roka


Imagine a silent world where you can’t hear words of love, encouragement or support nor can you express your thoughts, fears or frustrations –in a way most understand

The deaf while having no visible sign of disability, thus garner less understanding and support –are yet one of the most alienated and disadvantaged

Ruma Roka’s journey is not just about upskilling Deaf youth vocationally and seeking employment opportunities for them but so much about helping so many youth come out of their silent excluded lives, helping them gain confidence and teaching them to express themselves through sign language and otherwise

Ruma did not have to overcome any form of physical or mental challenge herself or that of a close family member , yet she found her calling in dedicating her life to that of Deaf youth by setting up the Noida Deaf Society (NDS)

Her journey since then has been one of dedication, passion and relentless perseverance to not only upskill youth from this alienated section of society but also find jobs and a source of livelihood for them.

NDS is a joyful high-spirited positive place where one as a verbal communicator will definitely feel isolated and lost as everyone chatters away using sign language –the focus is only on Ability and what each youth Can do.

Visit http://www.noidadeafsociety.org/ and their success stories will leave you inspired.