
George Abraham: The Blind Visionary




We showcase George Abraham as an inspiring role model for our ‘generation next” He exudes so much confidence, communicates so well and is so much at ease with himself –that even after an hour of conversing with him, one keeps wondering if George Abraham is really Blind.

He is known to many as the founding chairman of the World Blind Cricket Council (WBCC). Under his leadership,the inaugural Blind Cricket World Cup was held. Today the WBCC has ten full members –Australia, Bangladesh, England, India, New Zealand, South Africa, SriLanka, Pakistan, West Indies and Nepal. A charismatic man who never let his visual impairment come in the way of his passion for cricket or cinema. What impresses one the most is really how articulate George Abraham is.“I feel you have to be a good communicator to make a mark in life”– however you communicate –orally, visually or in writing


He graduated from St Stephens with Maths honours amazingly without even knowing a dot of braille, and went on to complete his Master’s. He however left his career in advertising, when he came across children with visual impairment languishing in some of the schools for the blind he happened to visit .He felt there were being treated as lesser beings without any sense of commitment or purpose, with a general attitude of “they are blind, what will they be able to do”. From there began his journey since 1989, first as the conceptualiser of World Cup Cricket for the blind, founder of SCORE Foundation working for the rehabilitation of the visually impaired, founder of Project Eyeway a single stop knowledge resource on life with blindness with a “Call” help-desk for information guidance and counselling.

I believe every blind person has the potential to be a part of the human resource of this country and must be invested in

He has won many awards for his dedicated work in trying to not only create avenues but also change mind sets and attitude of the Blind and those who can see “towards blindness”. George Abraham enjoys conducting motivational sessions on communication and attitude.